People in need of healthcare
Home care
Groupe SOS Santé has also developed a solid expertise in medical and social assistance at home. Through our Home Nursing Services, we provide nursing care services that include technical care (injections, dressings, etc.) and basic and relational care (assistance with washing, mobility, etc.).
This service is triggered by medical prescription and after evaluation by the service, for a renewable period of three months. It can help prevent or postpone the admission to a hospital or residential facility.
Innovating in home care: the example of mental disorders
The situation of people suffering from mental disorders in France is alarming: 15% of people aged 10 to 20 require follow-up or psychiatric care. Mental disorders represent the biggest expense for the general health insurance system by pathology, while the demand for care is constantly increasing. In response to this situation, Groupe SOS and the GCSMS Coordination Marseillaise Santé Mentale et Habitat have developed an experimental project, entitled Suivi Intensif pour l’Inclusion Sociale – Santé Mentale (Intensive Monitoring for Social Inclusion – Mental Health), financed by the CNAM (French National Health Insurance) and the ARS (French Regional Health Agency). The goal is to improve treatment through home care and support. This is a first in France and should eventually free up hospital beds and reduce the costs of recovery.