Entrepreneurs for the most vulnerable
People with disabilities
Every citizen must have agency in his or her own life and choices, whatever their ambitions and abilities. We offer support and solutions adapted to all ages and all forms of disability, both physical and mental. Every year, our professional staff support children and adults through diagnosis, education, training, accommodation or adapted housing, integration and care.
Disabilities Advocacy
Groupe SOS is active in defending the rights of people with disabilities by putting forward practical, ambitious and sometimes controversial proposals so that people with disabilities can be full citizens.
For each goal, a scheme
Welcoming, providing accommodation and promoting autonomy
The teams of our Residential Homes (FH – Foyers d’Hébergement), Living Homes (FV – Foyers de Vie) and Inclusive Residences (Habitats Inclusifs) promote the social inclusion and autonomy of the people they care for.
Providing accommodation, healthcare and assistance
The Medicalised Hostels (FAM – Foyers d’Accueil Médicalisés) and Specialised Hostels (MAS – Maisons d’Accueil Spécialisées) offer quality care – adapted to individual situation and pathology, constant monitoring and socio-educational support.
Assisting with daily life
Helping people stay in their own homes, be independent and be part of society is also a very strong focus of our actions. This is the mission of our medical and social assistance services for adults with disabilities (SAMSAH – Service d’accompagnement médico-social pour adultes handicapés) and our social life assistance services (SAVS – Services d’Accompagnement à la Vie Sociale).
Diagnosing and supporting children through healthcare
Through our Early Medical and Social Action Centres (CAMSP – Centres d’Action Médico-Sociale Précoce), our Medical-Psychological-Pedagogical Centre (CMPP – Centre Médico-Psychique–Pédagogique) and the Early Childhood and Disability Egaldia platform, we also support children with disabilities in a global project of healthcare, orientation and diagnosis adapted to each condition. Parents are involved at every stage of their child’s journey.
Helping people with autism spectrum disorders
Our interregional mobile unit works with families and professionals to improve support for complicated situations and to address the lack of a care network for people with autism spectrum disorders.
Promoting school and work inclusion
Facilities and services providing assistance through work, Therapeutic, Educational and Pedagogical Institutes, social support services, etc. Integration into society also implies schooling and support towards employment. This is the mission of more than 30 facilities and services in our Disabilities division.
Access to culture
Groupe SOS is working to ensure that everyone has access to culture, including people with disabilities. Our organisation Souffleurs de Sens (Prompters for meaning) does precisely this. The Camille Claudel home for the disabled works every day to ensure that residents have access to culture.
Access to employment
Adapted Enterprise
Our adapted company Artisane Services is a fully-fledged company offering services to clients, which enables people recognised as disabled workers to occupy a paid position in conditions adapted to their needs. Artisane Services is constantly striving to diversify the services it provides to its clients to enable its employees to access or consolidate a wide range of skills and to build up a versatility that will be useful for their long-term access to traditional jobs.
The Facilities or Support Services through Work (ESAT – Établissement ou Services d’Aide par le Travail) Ateliers Caravelle and Ateliers de la Brenne allows people with disabilities to have an activity adapted to their personal abilities, which develops their potential, while they receive medical and educational support favouring their personal and social development.
All inclusive
Groupe SOS offers All inclusive, a training course for caregivers adapted to people with disabilities. It includes collective learning of basic skills (French, mathematics, digital literacy, etc.), professional expertise (knowledge of the sector, hygiene, safety, etc.) and interpersonal skills in a professional environment. A two-week immersion course in our facilities is offered, which may lead to a work-study offer in a Groupe SOS structure.