Our international projects
Liberia, Senegal, Serbie • Direct intervention
Click on Romania
Roumanie • Direct intervention
Play International
Rwanda • Offices
Cambodge • Intervention through partnerships
Indonesia • Direct intervention
Renforcement des capacités des petits producteurs de vanille
Madagascar • Direct intervention
Afghanistan Libre
Afghanistan • Intervention through partnerships
Maarif et Mers Sultan, deux établissements préscolaires de la Société Française de Bienfaisance
Maroc • Direct intervention
Eat@Home – Silver Fourchette
Belgium • Intervention through partnerships
Carried out in collaboration with UNA 47 (France), Bras dessus Bras dessous (Belgium), Pour La Solidarité (Belgium) and Obra Diocesana de Promoção Social (Portugal), this Erasmus+ project aims to improve the diet of people over 60 years old.
Madagascar • Direct intervention
Youth employability and entrepreneurship Booster in Egypt
Egypt • Direct intervention
Bénin • Intervention through partnerships
Planète Urgence œuvre depuis janvier 2023, en partenariat avec Vivia Miel, une ONG locale spécialisée dans la restauration de paysages forestiers et d’amélioration du niveau de vie des communautés locales, pour la protection et la conservation durable de deux forêts sacrées (la Forêt Sacrée d’Igbo-Dogni à Bassila et celle de Sérou à Djougou), à travers un projet pilote d’un an.
Le projet a pour but de contribuer à la conservation et à la gestion durable des forêts sacrées à Bassila et Djougou, en renforçant la résilience sociale et économique des communautés locales. GAPADOU vise également à mettre en place des mécanismes de gouvernance en vue de soutenir la protection des ressources naturelles et du patrimoine culturel local, tout en sensibilisant la jeune génération et le grand public aux enjeux environnementaux.
Vigie Tottorossa
Mayotte • Direct intervention
Maroc • Direct intervention
Roumanie • Direct intervention
Economic and digital empowerment of women and girls in Lebanon
Lebanon • Direct intervention
Tunisie • Direct intervention
Lab’ess has launched the #Essentielles program, a 100% female incubation program designed to support women change-makers in and around the Sfax region over a 4-month period. The program offers beneficiaries training, personalized individual support, financing, networking and visibility for their projects in the press and media.
Madagascar • Direct intervention
Belgium • Intervention through partnerships
The aim of the Erasmus+ GIFT (Grow Impact For Tech) project is to support the development of the skills of staff working in acceleration, incubation and training structures. The aim is to better enable them to promote the growth of technology companies with a strong societal impact, and to accelerate the internationalisation of their support.
Madagascar • Direct intervention
HERO – Acta Vista
Grèce, Croatie, Belgique • Intervention through partnerships
Mauritanie • Direct intervention
People Power Inclusion (PPI)
Egypt, Madagascar, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Senegal • Offices
Maroc • Direct intervention
E4NEETS – Pulse
Macédoine du Nord, Espagne, Serbie • Intervention through partnerships
Planète Éducation Madagascar
Madagascar • Intervention through partnerships
Bulgarie, Chypre • Intervention through partnerships
The Erasmus+ FOWOSE (Fostering Women Social Entrepreneurship in Europe) project, in partnership with Women on Top (Greece), Empow’Her (France), Reach for Change (Bulgaria) and Synthesis (Cyprus), aims to promote more inclusive entrepreneurship, particularly among women. The project improves the creation of entrepreneurship training content tailored to the needs of women, testing a number of good practices with the aim of formalising and disseminating them.
Afrique du Sud • Direct intervention
Active School
France • Direct intervention
EU-NISMOP – Wimoov
Espagne, Belgique • Intervention through partnerships
VIAS+ – Groupe SOS Solidarités
Belgique • Intervention through partnerships
Société Française de bienfaisance
Maroc • Offices
Romania • Direct intervention
Ateliere Fara Frontiere’s Bio&Co program promotes social and solidarity economy while encouraging sustainable development, through organic farming and composting. Since 2015, 14031 hamper of organic vegetables have been delivered.
Food systems
Afrique du Sud • Direct intervention
Digital houses Cameroon
Cameroon • Direct intervention
Sénégal • Direct intervention
Le programme AGreenLab vise à soutenir la création et le développement d’entreprises dans les secteurs des énergies renouvelables et de l’agro-alimentaire, en accompagnant 99 jeunes entrepreneurs au Sénégal et au Burkina Faso. PPI a ainsi co développé un programme d’incubation et d’accélération avec 4 incubateurs selon une approche sensible au genre, a fourni un accompagnement individualisé à chaque entrepreneur par le biais de deux experts techniques dans les secteurs ciblés et a mis en place 3 outils de financement innovants.
Maroc, Tunisie • Direct intervention
Serbia • Offices
APIA – Les Insatiables
Espagne, Belgique, Italie • Intervention through partnerships
WISE – Ateliere Fara Frontiere
Espagne, Belgique • Intervention through partnerships
Hafa Velontegna
Madagascar • Direct intervention
Engaging civil society towards inclusive sustainable development in Egypt
Egypt • Direct intervention
Mali • Direct intervention
Syria, Tunisia, Palestine, Morocco, Libya, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Algeria • Intervention through partnerships
Through the SAFIR programme, Lab’ess (PULSE‘s Tunisian incubator) contributes to the creation and animation of incubators in the MENA region.
SAFIR is an ambitious programme in favour of the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and promote the economic inclusion of young people in several countries in North Africa and the Middle East (Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia). Supported by the European Union, it aims to create an environment favorable to the civic engagement of young people and to encourage the development of projects with a social, cultural and environmental impact.
Sport Academies
South Africa, Cameroon, Djibouti, Kenya, Liberia, Maroc, Malawi, Maurice, Mauritania, Togo, Sénégal • Intervention through partnerships
FOWOSE – Pulse
Grèce • Intervention through partnerships
The Erasmus+ FOWOSE (Fostering Women Social Entrepreneurship in Europe) project, in partnership with Women on Top (Greece), Empow’Her (France), Reach for Change (Bulgaria) and Synthesis (Cyprus), aims to promote more inclusive entrepreneurship, particularly among women. The project improves the creation of entrepreneurship training content tailored to the needs of women, testing a number of good practices with the aim of formalising and disseminating them.
Cameroun • Intervention through partnerships
En mars 2019, Planète Urgence a initié au Cameroun le projet pilote « Filière Anacarde et Restauration d’Ecosystèmes (FARE) » qui accompagne son partenaire, l’organisation de la société civile CERAF-Nord, dans la mise en œuvre d’un projet de reforestation d’anacardiers (arbres à noix de cajou), de restauration de corridors de migration de la faune sauvage et d’appui à la production et à l’entretien de vergers d’anacardiers en vue du développement de la filière, en faveur de populations riveraines du parc national de la Bénoué.
Pérou • Intervention through partnerships
Senegal • Direct intervention
Ferizaj to Gravelines
Kosovo • Direct intervention
PLAY International launched the De Ferizaj to Gravelines project in Kosovo and in France, in collaboration with the municipality of Ferizaj, the town of Gravelines, the French Embassy in Kosovo and the Alliance Française Kosovo. As part of this project, young people from Ferizaj and Gravelines are trained by PLAY International in socio-sports activities with the aim of encouraging the inclusion of children with disabilities in sporting activities.
Pathways – Groupe SOS Solidarités
Germany, Netherlands, Turkey • Intervention through partnerships
To tackle the lack of education on environmental and climate change in schools, Groupe SOS Solidarités wants to further integrate teaching about environmental sustainability into the education system and promote civic engagement within school communities. Launched at the end of 2023, the Pathways Erasmus+ project involves four European partners: Artemon (Dutch), Deutsche Schule Athen (German), KMOP (Greek) and Ari Inovasyon Ve Bilim Egitim Hizmetleri Anonim Sirketi (Turkish) and aims at creating training content for the educational body, setting up national workshops with the objective of presenting this training and the implementation of initiatives within schools.
Mada health, sexual and reproductive rights (HSRR)
Madagascar • Direct intervention
Womxn in business
South Africa • Direct intervention
PULSE is promoting economic development in South Africa through its WomeXn Series programme. Oribi, PULSE’s incubator in South Africa, aims to provide financial support to women entrepreneurs in South Africa, and to support them in their entrepreneurial process through a series of activities, enabling them to develop a strategic network with other impact entrepreneurs.
Support for the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem for Decent Employment in Madagascar (SEEED)
Madagascar • Direct intervention
Indonesia • Direct intervention
Land of opportunity
France • Direct intervention
Cameroun • Intervention through partnerships
Volunteer missions
Mexico, Togo • Intervention through partnerships
Mauritanie, Tunisie, Maroc, Jordanie, France • Intervention through partnerships
Preventing disability in early childhood in North Africa
Morocco, Tunisia • Direct intervention
Jappale Ma
Sénégal • Direct intervention
Comores • Direct intervention
Inclusiveness has a Voice
Roumanie • Direct intervention
Access to training and entrepreneurship for young people in Casamance
Sénégal • Direct intervention
Afrique du Sud • Direct intervention
Professional insertion of refugee from Ukraine in Romania
Roumanie • Direct intervention
France • Direct intervention
Through sport, I blossom
Senegal • Direct intervention
Roumanie • Direct intervention
Planète Education Bénin
Benin • Direct intervention
Companions in agroecology – Fermes d’Avenir
Belgique, Italie • Intervention through partnerships
Innovation that scales start-up ecosystems in Mediterranean countries
Lebanon • Direct intervention
Design of financial education training modules
Côte d’Ivoire • Direct intervention
Capacity building of farmer professionnal organizations in the financing of their service activities
Senegal • Direct intervention
Madagascar • Direct intervention
Social service
Maroc • Direct intervention
WISE – Ateliere Fara Frontiere
Italie • Intervention through partnerships
Together Through Sport – Play International
Poland, Romania • Intervention through partnerships
RISE (Regional Incubator for Social Entrepreneurs)
Serbie, Monténégro, Macédoine, Bosnie-Herzégovine, Albanie, Kosovo • Intervention through partnerships
Life Circle
Inde • Intervention through partnerships
Support for the implementation of an access to finance programme for project leaders of the Jogjef incubator
Sénégal • Direct intervention
Côte-d’Ivoire • Direct intervention
Procurement with social and environmental impact
Roumanie • Intervention through partnerships
Hope Center
Liban • Direct intervention
Senegal • Direct intervention
Sickle cell disease
Mauritanie, Mali • Direct intervention
Digital houses Madagascar
Madagascar • Direct intervention
France • Direct intervention
#Nouveau Cap
France • Direct intervention