Acualités Groupe SOS


Tailored Support for the Integration of People with Disabilities in French Guiana 

29 October 2024 • NEWS

Since its opening in November 2013, the Specialised Care Home – Maison d’accueil spécialisée (MAS) of Kourou in French Guiana has provided care and accommodation for 60 adults with disabilities requiring continuous medical supervision. It also offers day care services for adults as part of its day centre.

To meet the growing and varied needs of these individuals, the facility has expanded its service offerings since 2018, providing tailored support solutions at every stage of their life journey.

A Day Centre to Develop Autonomy

In response to the evolving needs of people with disabilities, the facility has extended its day centre service from three to nine places. Available from Monday to Friday between 9:30 am and 4:30 pm, this service aims to strengthen the autonomy of those enrolled, helping them develop skills in daily activities and preparing them for possible life in an institution. 

We organise weekly activities across both the residents and day care beneficiaries to promote their socialisation,” explains Laure Guérin, a coordinator at the care centre. Some people who are welcomed into the day centre have experienced long gaps in care after leaving child services upon reaching adulthood. 

Laure Guérin also emphasises the importance of creating links between different forms of support: “We don’t know what the future holds for them or how their disability may evolve. Some may eventually be directed to a residential facility, so it’s crucial to familiarise them with institutional life. 

On a daily basis, the care home also encourages inclusion in the community by organising various outings. Over the years, events such as the carnival or the Colour Run have become essential parts of their calendar. 

A Mobile Team to Meet Needs

In addition to the day centre, the facility has recently introduced a mobile team that works directly at the homes of people with disabilities.

This service, which now covers 30 locations in the Savane Communauté (which includes the towns of Kourou, Sinnamary, Iracoubo and Saint-Elie), aims to promote autonomy by supporting social and professional integration, as well as medical travel. 

“We want to strengthen the empowerment of people with disabilities by helping them mobilise their resources and offering them tailored support,”

 Laure Guérin, Head of Department at the MAS

This system also allows the team of professional to take a multidisciplinary view of the person’s social situation and to offer a moment of respite to their careers. 

Inclusive Housing for an Independent and Shared Life

Since 2018, the facility has also offered an inclusive housing service, providing an autonomous and supportive living environment for people with disabilities.

This initiative, which has doubled its capacity to 20 places, allows individuals with a certain level of autonomy and sufficient financial resources to live in adapted housing while receiving social, administrative, and medical support. 

Through rental intermediation, the MAS secures the rent and simplifies relations between tenants and landlords. However, rent, utility bills, and food expenses are the responsibility of the residents. Some of them are employed in regular work environments: “A former resident of the care centre now works full-time in a bakery and has joined the inclusive housing system,” says Laure Guérin. 

The housing units are grouped together and located near the facility to facilitate support and encourage social interaction between tenants. A mentorship system has been set up to help newcomers settle in. “Our goal is to create a true community of mutual support and encourage shared living,” adds Laure Guérin. 

A Pillar of Disability Support in French Guiana

With these services, Groupe SOS has enriched the facility’s offerings, ensuring continuity in the life journeys of adults with disabilities. Each individual receives personalised support tailored to their autonomy, projects, resources, and evolving needs.


“These solutions were designed based on our application files, admission requests, and waiting lists. The cross-disciplinary approach between our systems allows us to support the holistic integration of individuals,” concludes Laure Guérin. 

With its expertise and pioneering role in inclusive housing in French Guiana, the facility is now an essential player in supporting people with disabilities in the region. 

Groupe SOS and people with disabilities

Groupe SOS offers support and solutions adapted to all ages and all forms of disability, both physical and mental. Every year, our professional teams support 3 700 children and adults through diagnosis, education, training, accommodation or adapted housing, integration and care through one of our 71 facilities or services dedicated to disability. 

Learn more 

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