Acualités Groupe SOS


Santé Sud: Taking Action Against Gender-Based Violence in Morocco 

18 December 2024 • NEWS

Gender-based violence takes many forms: sexual, domestic, economic violence, genital mutilation, forced marriages, and obstetric violence. These often cumulative forms of violence represent an alarming reality and are difficult for healthcare systems to address.

In Morocco, for example, a 2019 national survey revealed that 57% of women have experienced at least one act of violence in their lifetime. In response to this urgent situation, Santé Sud – an NGO within Groupe SOS – is taking action with the support of the European Union and the French Development Agency, to provide concrete solutions. In partnership with the LDDF-INJAD network, a Moroccan civil society organisation dedicated to defending women’s rights, Santé Sud has developed the 3inaya project.

Launched in 2022, this project aims to promote and strengthen respect for sexual and reproductive health rights, while working towards gender equality and the prevention of gender-based violence in Morocco. 

How does this project translate into action on the ground? Let’s take a closer look at some concrete initiatives. 


Local problems require local solutions. This is the conviction of Groupe SOS, which operates internationally with local actors in over 50 countries. The non-profit organisations and social enterprises of Groupe SOS share knowledge and expertise, working in close cooperation with local civil society actors, without ever replacing them. 


Listening to Victims

Testifying and recounting the violence experienced is a crucial step in the recovery process. It is a first step that requires attentive and compassionate listening to help them on their journey. 

To collect women’s testimonies, the LDDF-INJAD network works directly with survivors of violence through nine listening centres across Morocco, where legal advice and psychological support are offered to women who have experienced violence. Santé Sud strengthens the capacity of these listening centres to provide psychological support to survivors. Through training sessions and the sharing of best practices, the listeners are equipped to provide psychological first aid, listening techniques, and understanding the psychological mechanisms of survivors. 

Because hearing and assimilating numerous accounts of violence can be deeply impactful, support is also provided to the listeners. Ghita Bentiress, psychosocial and mental health manager at Santé Sud Morocco, leads support groups, essential times for sharing, reflecting on their practice, and emotional release. “I also organise e-learning sessions on various cross-cutting topics such as sexuality in couples, postpartum depression, the physical and psychological challenges of adolescence and puberty… These sessions aim to enhance the sensitivity of the practitioners to crucial aspects of mental health,” she explains. These concrete topics help break the taboos too often associated with women’s health. 

Broader Training on Detection

Not all women seek out the listening centres. Faced with the violence they endure, many take refuge in silence, and asking for help becomes a challenge in itself. Aware of this reality, Santé Sud believes it is crucial to recognise the revealing signs of psychological trauma. This is why the organisation provides training for public service professionals. 


Training for National Education teachers on detecting gender-based violence and directing cases to public and associative support services.

The 22 trainers, comprised of senior education officials, will deliver the training to 150 teachers and professionals who work directly with young people.


Training for 66 directors of women’s shelters under the Ministry of Youth, Culture, and Sports on detection, referral, and management of gender-based violence, as well as initial listening and psychological support.

Raising Awareness Among All Citizens on Gender Equality and Violence

In schools, Santé Sud supports the LDDF-INJAD network in creating and performing theatre plays to promote sexual and reproductive health rights and gender equality among adolescents. More than just raising awareness, this format aims to encourage responsible and egalitarian behaviour among young participants. 

Additionally, both organisations – Santé Sud and the LDDF-INJAD network – participated in the 16 Days of Activism campaign, a global initiative to raise awareness against violence against women. This campaign, which runs from 25 November to 10 December, aims to highlight the extent of gender-based violence and open dialogue on reproductive and sexual health. 

Global Overview

The SentinELLES project is a multi-country program aimed at raising local awareness of gender-based violence, training professionals to support victims, and strengthening the provision of sexual and reproductive health services. 

In North Africa, the program is implemented in both Morocco and Tunisia. Across these two countries: 

  • 20,400 individuals have been educated on sexual and reproductive rights as well as gender-based violence. 
  • 210 survivors of violence have received support through a dedicated fund to help partially cover their legal or medical expenses.

Learn more about Sentinelles


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