Our actions

Entrepreneurs for the most vulnerable 

No one is ever at the end of their story. It is this conviction that has nourished and inspired Groupe SOS and its teams since its creation in 1984 and the AIDS crisis. 

Our society is fractured in many ways and is constantly evolving. Whatever their path and whatever obstacles they have experienced, we will support vulnerable people towards a dignified, stable and happy life. 

Our actions

People distant from employment

People distant from employment

Marginalised women

Marginalised women

People in exile

People in exile

People suffering from addictions

People suffering from addictions

People under judicial supervision

People under judicial supervision

Homeless or extremely poor people

Homeless or extremely poor people

People with disabilities

People with disabilities

The elderly

The elderly

People in need of healthcare

People in need of healthcare

Health of minorities and combating discrimination

Health of minorities and combating discrimination

Access to culture 

Groupe SOS promotes access to creation, artistic expression and works of art for those who are most distant from cultural opportunities, which is the case of a lot of its beneficiaries.We are strongly committed to an approach based on solidarity, sharing and equality, and stand behind one very clear principle: absolutely everyone must have access to aesthetic practices. 

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Map of our facilities and organisations

Local presence and action

Needs emerge everywhere, all locally and regionally specific. Groupe SOS works in more than 50 countries to respond to the needs of the most vulnerable, future generations and regions. Groupe SOS acts on the ground to create solutions to social and environmental issues in collaboration with local actors and inhabitants.


5 March 2024

Ensuring that gender equality benefits all women, including those most marginalized

For 40 years, Groupe SOS hosts, accommodates and supports thousands of vulnerable women in its social and medico-socialfacilities. Groupe SOS…

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29 June 2023

European cooperation for the intimate lives of people with disabilities

Groupe SOS advocates for a full and effective citizenship for people with disabilities. Groupe SOS Solidarités is at the front…

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