Our organisations

Groupe SOS Santé

The priority of Groupe SOS Santé, the leading French non-profit organisation managing hospitals, is to provide access to quality care for all. Our mission is to help reverse the progress of care deserts and develop excellent healthcare accessible to all, regardless of income level.

To achieve this, Groupe SOS Santé defends the model of private, not-for-profit hospitals. Its facilities offer an efficient, innovative and person-centred healthcare service. Groupe SOS Santé also provides home nursing services, integrating technical, basic and relational care. At the same time, tomorrow’s caregivers are trained in its Nursing Assistant and Nursing Care Training Institutes. Lastly, through its Sports-Health centres, the organisation offers comprehensive care for patients, including health prevention.

Groupe SOS Santé is one of the founding organisations of Groupe SOS.

patients in 2023
facilities, including 11 hospitals
people trained

Promoting access to quality care for all

Groupe SOS Santé’s goal is to make quality care available to all.

  • It is an economic challenge: too many people receive poor care, or none, due to a lack of resources.
  • It is also a geographical challenge: too many people receive poor care because of the lack of medical professionals where they live.

Groupe SOS Santé is therefore developing a private, not-for-profit model for its hospitals, to bring the patient’s out-of-pocket expenses down to zero.

Combating the progression of care deserts

Groupe SOS Santé helps maintain useful healthcare services in regions sometimes in danger of becoming care deserts.

In the communities where its facilities are located, Groupe SOS provides sometimes the only healthcare service for miles around. It is therefore all the more important to offer local, high-performance services to these areas and their residents. We are taking up the challenge!

For instance, sleep medicine centres have been opened to provide solutions for sleep disorders, which affect 1 in 3 French people. Groupe SOS Santé has also opened two obesity centres and developed “Maisons Sport Santé” (health and fitness centres) to offer access to physical activity to everyone. In addition, its facilities were among the first in France to be equipped with 3D technology combining the advantages of MRI and ultrasound for the earliest possible treatment of prostate cancer.

Facilitating access to home nursing

Access to health is not restricted to hospitals. Home nursing is an essential component of the services offered in a given area: because it encourages people to stay at home, it makes healthcare accessible to people with limited mobility, and helps prevent or postpone admission to a hospital or residential facility.

Groupe SOS Santé has also developed a solid expertise in medical and social assistance at home. Through its 3 Home Nursing Services, it provides nursing care services that include technical care (injections, dressings, etc.) and basic and relational care (assistance with washing, mobility, etc.). These services can help prevent or postpone admission to a hospital or residential facility.

Meeting the challenge of professional healthcare

Healthcare facilities are currently facing a major challenge: a lack of personnel. Groupe SOS Santé works to train and educate the next generations of healthcare professionals.

It also trains caregivers with 4 Nurse Assistant Training Institutes and 1 Nursing Care Training Institute, to counter the shortage of professionals.

In 2021, Groupe SOS Santé served 177,000 beneficiaries (patients and trainees) and employed more than 3,000 people.